Train with VAE

Meet VAE
I used to weigh over 400 pounds and after taking this photo of myself i knew it was time for a change (next slide )

Now after loosing over 160 pounds I plan on using all I have learned to help others achieve their body goals.
How It Works
I will be completely honest with you everything I will teach you and coach you on you could learn yourself for free. But sometimes its not about that, sometimes it's about having someone to keep you accountable. Having someone that will do all the planning for you cause it is easier to follow a guide and i want to help others. I know what it's like to be looked down on just because of how i look. To have no one support you and believe in you, so as your coach i promise to give you 110%. So if your ready to be coached by me dm me on instagram ( ready ) to begin the next steps before payment.
Training and Meal Plan
Not ready to for coaching but still want to achieve your body...